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nginx + mongrel + ruby on rails caching images and css etc.

Posted by mpjokine 
nginx + mongrel + ruby on rails caching images and css etc.
February 02, 2010 04:32AM

I have a server configuration where there is a front end running nginx and two application servers running RoR application and four mongrels among a few other services on both servers. Front end and app servers are running on different ip:s so that front end only forwards requests to app servers.

My problem is that because front end (nginx) is located on other ip than the app, it seems that I cannot tell nginx to cache images and css files by writing something like:

location ~* \.(js|css|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ {
if (-f $request_filename) {
expires max;

If running nginx and app server on the same machine this works fine. Is there any rather easy solution for this?

Thank you in advance.

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