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problem with the port -Nginx proxy to Apache

Posted by sali 
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problem with the port -Nginx proxy to Apache
January 14, 2010 05:37AM

My problem is that Nginx prox to Apache:

location / {

set $domain "http://www.mydomain.com";
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;

Apache listens on port 2013, page is displayed correctly bat after the entry www.mydomain.com/forum URI looks www.mydomain.com:2013/forum (port is visible) entering the www.mydomain.com/forum/ problem does not occur - port is not visible.
In version nginx/0.6.32 everything worked correctly after updating to nginx/0.7.62 and nginx-0.8.29 there is a problem.
Someone has met with such a problem? or has any idea ?


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