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NGINX "Portable" - run in read-only mode

Posted by xok 
NGINX "Portable" - run in read-only mode
July 06, 2009 10:12AM

I want to make an "Portable" installation of NGINX (MySQL + PHP), so that I can run it from a DVD (to make a knowledge-base solutions).

I am able to start the application in the directory that I want (e.g., c:\dvd-nginx or c:\kb\dvd-nginx\),
but if I execute it in read-only mode (like a DVD), I cannot start NGINX because the programm needs to be able to write in the sub-folder .\LOGS\

How can I run NGINX in read-only mode?

Re: NGINX "Portable" - run in read-only mode
July 31, 2009 07:35AM
FYI - Work-Around:

I dropped the idea to use an DVD to make a portable knowledge-base with NGINX and used a USD Pen-Drive!
I have now a portable NGINX + PHP + MySQL which is pretty neat!

When I make assistance in clients and I am off-line (without Internet connection), I use the portable knowledge-base and it has saved me a lot of time!

Sometimes, just need to install Microsoft VC++ 2008 runtimes because of PHP and nothing more.

My problem is solved :)
Re: NGINX "Portable" - run in read-only mode
April 19, 2010 05:41AM
thanks for sharing this

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