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Redirect domains to subdomains...

Posted by Andrea 
Redirect domains to subdomains...
June 29, 2009 08:40AM
Hello, i hope someone can help me:

In my applications i have a subdomains for each of my clients, like this:

etc etc

Now, i want to associate the subdomains that my clients have on my application to their main domain (if they have one) for example:
if a client have a domain like www.client1domain.com i want to redirect it to clent1.myapp.com
www.client2domain.com to clent2.myapp.com
www.client3domain.com to clent3.myapp.com

Using rewrite rules i can redirect them to my subdomain, but in the browser instead of client1.myapp.com i want to show their main domain, how can do that? It's this even possible?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2009 08:40AM by Andrea.
Re: Redirect domains to subdomains...
June 29, 2009 02:51PM
Andrea Wrote:
> Hello, i hope someone can help me:
> In my applications i have a subdomains for each of
> my clients, like this:
> client1.myapp.com
> client2.myapp.com
> client3.myapp.com
> etc etc
> Now, i want to associate the subdomains that my
> clients have on my application to their main
> domain (if they have one) for example:
> if a client have a domain like
> www.client1domain.com i want to redirect it to
> clent1.myapp.com
> www.client2domain.com to clent2.myapp.com
> www.client3domain.com to clent3.myapp.com
> Using rewrite rules i can redirect them to my
> subdomain, but in the browser instead of
> client1.myapp.com i want to show their main
> domain, how can do that? It's this even possible?
> Thanks

Hi Andrea,

If I understand correctly you want to rewrite client1.myapp.com to client1domain.com.

If so, try:

server {
server_name client1.myapp.com;
root /path/to/doc/root;
index index.html; #or whatever your index file is
rewrite ^ http://client1domain.com$request_uri? permanent;

Jim Ohlstein
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