nginx version upgrade
June 22, 2009 07:32PM
Hi, thanks to all in advance

so at the moment i am running nginx 6.3 and want to upgrade to 7.6

the issue is (yes i am new to nginx and linux) is that i installed nginx via the good old apt-get install nginx. which installed it into /etc/nginx/ folder

when i compile from source do i need to run

./configure --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf ----sbin-path=/etc/nginx in order to have the same file structure?
Re: nginx version upgrade
June 22, 2009 10:05PM
The current stable version is 0.7.61 (not 7.6) so that maybe is what you want. You can download at

If you want the same exact directory structure, run

# nginx -V

That will give you the current version and configure command which should include the directory structures as well as the correct default user and group.

Jim Ohlstein

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2009 10:07PM by Jim Ohlstein.

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