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Redirecting to nextcloud with nginx

Posted by wago 
Redirecting to nextcloud with nginx
October 03, 2024 04:53PM

I have 2 VMS on a server. Both has Ubuntu 23.10. One of them has installed Nextcloud that is accessed from Internet from https://nextcloud.midiominio.com:1234.

In the other vm I have nginx working properly. I want to know if I can access the Nextcloud web interphase trough nginx, in order to access Nextcloud from internet from https://cloud.otherdomain.com (with no port or standard HTTPS port 443).

Can I achieve that with nginx? I have achieved that with simpler sites, but I can't get it to work with some others (like Nextcloud). I guess It has something to do with the key certificates that sites like Nextcloud manage.

Thank you very much for your time and answers.
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