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Setup multiple websites in NGINX in a docker on Unraid

Posted by fr8ke 
Setup multiple websites in NGINX in a docker on Unraid
April 28, 2024 11:01AM
Hello Everyone,

I have Nginx setup in a docker on an Unraid server. I want to manage a few websites with Nginx but don't seem to see how to set this up inside a docker on Unraid. I see others talking about a sites-available and sites-enabled but I don't have those files or folders and don't know if I need to create them or where they would go in an Unraid setup. I would appreciate any help I could get setting this up. I have Cloudflare setup to manage my external access via Zero Trust so I am not really using Nginx for proxy stuff but would like to have 2 or 3 websites inside of Nginx and have it route those correctly when someone looks up siteone.com or sitetwo.com or sitethree.com
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