Hi everyone,
Am very new to NGINX and would like to know how to have this work with my Raspberry Pi.
I believe I've successfully installed NGINX since I've typed in the IP address for the Raspberry Pi and it comes up with 'Welcome to NGINX'. My goal is to have only Airsonic, which is a web based music streamer, to have remote access. Alternatively, I don't mind if my Pi has full remote access since it only has music on it; just so long as it works.
Once I've logged into root, I typed in 'cd /etc/nginx/conf.d' and then typed 'ls', which came up as default.conf.disabled. Then I tried 'sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default' and added my Airsonic IP address under 'server_name. I restarted the NGINX and nothing has happened.
Can someone please help? I feel so close yet so far.