Here are the instructions;
Download Nginx
Download win-acme pluggable
Run wacs.exe in Command Prompt then use selections below;
M (Create Full), 2 (Manual), 6 (dns-01 Create Manually), 2 (RSA), 2 (PEM Nginx), 5 (No more stores), 4 (No additional)
Create the TXT Record at your Domain hosting portal with the content string displayed on the screen then continue and it will create the Certs.
Add to your nginx.conf config file; (Edit the location of the files and your domain name of course)
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name localhost;
ssl_certificate C:/Temp/;
ssl_certificate_key C:/Temp/;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
charset utf-8;
location / {
root C:/www/;
index index.html;
Check if SSL is working - or just https your site.