How to compile nginx on Windows with Visual C++?
February 28, 2019 04:03PM claims that nginx can be built with Visual C/C++, however auto/configure always fails here: because <sys/time.h> is not part of Visual C/C++. Nevertheless, the Windows binaries that are posted seem to be compiled with it, as there are string references in the executable to "Visual C++ CRT". So I feel like I must be missing something obvious.

Please help!
Re: How to compile nginx on Windows with Visual C++?
February 28, 2019 04:32PM
Stick to a binary ready version

nginx for Windows
Re: How to compile nginx on Windows with Visual C++?
February 28, 2019 05:08PM
I wish I could, but I need to make changes to the source. The circumstances are not really important. Suffice it to say that my goal is to build it myself.

Are you saying that the Windows build is no longer supported? If so, how do you explain the Windows binaries?
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