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How to configure Nginx for Windows

Posted by matrixebiz 
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How to configure Nginx for Windows
February 07, 2018 11:23AM
Hello, I am looking for a better alternative for my webserver other than Apache for my Windows server. When the server is under high loads at peek times (streaming server with 1000's of users accessing 2-3 MB files all at once) I find that it starts to serve files a lot slower and get timeouts. The system resources are not high at all so must be the web service (Apache) so I was wondering if Nginx would be able to handle this better? if so, what setting should I use? I was reading this config file here : https://github.com/denji/nginx-tuning but I think this is only for Linux because a lot of the settings are not in my conf file. Also, what line is it that directs the server to a different folder on my C: drive where I have my own Index.html and my other files?
Thanks for you time.
Re: How to configure Nginx for Windows
February 08, 2018 10:36PM
Solved - configured it correctly
Re: How to configure Nginx for Windows
February 14, 2018 05:29PM

How to config Nginx on windows? I have a error, my configuration arguments arent installed completely.
Re: How to configure Nginx for Windows
February 16, 2018 09:59AM
I just needed to configure the Windows Firewall to allow nginx.exe through.

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