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T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx

Posted by lockyZ 
T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
October 24, 2016 04:34PM
Hello everyone,

I´m trying to use Nginx as a load balancer for my application where it uses JMS queue, so far I have found anything, does anyone ever tried that? Is it possible to convert T3 into HTTP/HTTPS to do it?

Please let me know if anyone has ever tried that and if that´s even possible.

Re: T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
October 24, 2016 06:04PM
You could use 'stream' or venture in to a Lua solution (openresty).

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
Re: T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
October 28, 2016 04:47PM
Thanks a lot for your help! But unfortunately I´m getting the following message error when trying to start up nginx.

nginx: [emerg] "stream" directive is not allowed here in /app/nginx/conf/t3.conf:5
nginx: configuration file /app/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test failed

Here´s my installation command.

./configure --prefix=/app/nginx --sbin-path=/app/nginx/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/app/nginx/conf/nginx.conf --pid-path=/app/nginx/nginx.pid --with-http_v2_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-stream --with-stream_ssl_module --http-log-path=/logs/nginx/access.log --error-log-path=/logs/nginx/error.log --with-pcre=./libs/pcre-8.39 --with-zlib=./libs/zlib-1.2.8

this is my nginx.conf and my t3.conf


http {
include jboss-basic.conf;
include t3.conf;
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;



error_log /logs/nginx/t3.log info;

stream {
upstream t3{
hash $remote_addr consistent;

server my_host_addr:host_port max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s weight=5;

server {
listen host_port;
proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
proxy_timeout 3s;
proxy_pass t3;


Re: T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
October 28, 2016 05:41PM
Stream uses its own block:

http {

stream {

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
Re: T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
November 03, 2016 10:21AM

Thanks a lot for your help ! It worked as a charm.

I wonder if it´s possible for NGINX to print on logs all T3 XML requests received. It´s only printing the transactions which for me it´s fine.

If it´s not possible that´s ok! You may consider this topic closed.

Thanks a lot for your quick response and help! Definately if our tests run fine we'll get OTD replaced by NGINX :)
Re: T3(Oracle) Over HTTP using Nginx
April 19, 2023 06:20AM
Could you share details how did you resolve the issue? I'm facing the same problem with discovering Weblogic target in Oracle EM. I followed the tip about stream module but have no luck.
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