Detection of external client disconnect
October 07, 2016 05:36AM

We are using Nginx along with FCGI library. We are investigating an issue where in an external client disconnects from the network after send a request to our Nginx server. We are using FCGX_PutStr() to send the response. This API does not seem to fail even after the external client has disconnected from the network. We also tried calling FCGX_FFlush() immediately after the FCGX_PutStr() call. But both of these API return success always.

Could anyone please let us know how we can fine tune Nginx / FCGI to immediately detect and return an error when the external client has disconnected from the network.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2016 05:37AM by
Re: Detection of external client disconnect
October 07, 2016 05:41AM

We further tried using following options in the configuration file which seems to work for responses which have lot of data.

fastcgi_buffering off;
proxy_buffering off;

But, still for responses which have lesser data we are unable to detect that the client has disconnected from the network.

Any suggestion on how to detect client disconnect properly would be very appreciated.

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