redirect webusers based on groups
September 28, 2016 03:26AM
I want to have a webservice which authenticates the user via Kerberos (already know how to do that) and then redirect to 2 different services based on a group membership. The group can either be an active directory or local group in a config file or something.
I found several instructions to forward to the userfolder, but nothing like "forward users from group a to port 1234 an users from group b to port 2345" Any ideas how to solve this?

Best regards, Peter
Re: redirect webusers based on groups
September 28, 2016 03:33AM
If such values are in a variable you should be able to use that, ea.
if $val1 = "groupa" set $ppass '1234';
proxy_pass http://$backend:$ppass;
nb. this is not real config code but an example.

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