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nginx 1.10.1: how to integrate the icap protocoll || a icap client to communicate with sophos icap server

Posted by dzisslep 
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I have already done a icap Implementation by squid.
Now I must also implement the icap Protocol || a icap client at nginx.
I can´t not find anything in the forum or on the Web about nginx with icap.
Is the icap Protocol || a icap client integrated as standard in nginx?
If not: Is there an additional module for icap communication or how you would integrate icap?
Maybe I would write a icap-client in python and integrate this as multithreaded daemon, but nginx module would there already be a better solution.
thx for your help
This is about doing this with images http://leafo.net/posts/creating_an_image_server.html
but the idea is the same for icap written in Lua.

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
HI ,i have same task to implement icap client in nginx now . do you have resolve it ??
hello, do you have any suggessions? I have the same task.

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