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Do I need to build nginx from source and add modules for caching?

Posted by ZeroPerPound 
Do I need to build nginx from source and add modules for caching?
March 23, 2016 09:18AM
Im reading a blog about speeding up my wordpress install and it says to use ngx_cache_purge and headers-more-nginx-module

Is this necessary?
Re: Do I need to build nginx from source and add modules for caching?
March 24, 2016 05:17PM

Those modules are not "necessary" for caching per se. They can be useful for specific situations.. Following a "cookbook recipe" without understanding what the configuration may not be the best idea.

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Do I need to build nginx from source and add modules for caching?
March 31, 2016 09:35AM
Thanks for your reply Jim.

The recipe in question is this one: https://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx#Nginx_fastcgi_cache

As a new person to Nginx I put a little trust within it, as It is the official wordpress.org documentation for hosting WP on Nginx. But that doesnt make it the best option, nor the most up to date.

Does this seem like a good way to handle the caching?

If it does:
I installed nginx via apt. Do I apt-get remove and then compile from source and include the modules that way? Will I lose the ability to easily update via apt?

It not:
What do you recommend?

Re: Do I need to build nginx from source and add modules for caching?
April 04, 2016 05:03PM
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