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Displaying multiple files in folder

Posted by battles 
Displaying multiple files in folder
March 05, 2016 09:22AM
I have a folder that contains multiple files that need to be accessed and displayed. I could setup a location {} for each easily enough, but this folder can have files added and deleted by a program that creates the files. I need an example of how to setup a location {} that will access the specific needed file when a link is clicked on within a list page. Here is an example of such a page: http://www.noreply.org/echolot/thesaurus/

Re: Displaying multiple files in folder
March 05, 2016 10:27PM
You're looking for the autoindex module. See http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_autoindex_module.htm. You can consider looking at the third party fancyindex module if you want something "prettier".

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Displaying multiple files in folder
March 06, 2016 04:35PM
Thanks for the pointer.
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