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Redirect an url to other root on a multiple domain server

Posted by Saik 
Redirect an url to other root on a multiple domain server
March 02, 2016 12:29PM

I have a server with multiple domains (tendanza.com, canapes-design.com, canapes-pas-cher.com, etc), all the domains being used on the same website (different views).
I need to have www.canapes-design.com/blog/ to be a wordpress (I created a folder /var/www/blog/cd/) but I don't want the other domains to point on it.

I did this:

location /blog/ {
if ($host ~ canapes-design\.com) {
alias /var/www/blog/cd;

location /blog {
if ($host ~ canapes-design\.com) {
rewrite /blog(.*)$ /blog/$1 permanent;

and created an index.html in /var/www/blog/cd/blog, it works well.
But I also created a test.php but then I am redirected to a 404 on the main website.

I tried to do "root /var/www/blog/cd;" instead of "alias /var/www/blog/cd;", but it's the exactly same problem.

Would you know how I could fiw this, please?

Thank you,

Re: Redirect an url to other root on a multiple domain server
March 02, 2016 05:05PM
This works for a static file, yes? So this is a problem with how PHP is being served.

Please post more of your configuration, particularly for how you're serving PHP, and the contents of the error log for those requests

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Redirect an url to other root on a multiple domain server
March 03, 2016 04:12AM
Dear Jim,

thank you for your answer, I attach my full config to this message.
I added a wordress_fcgi.conf in conf and included it on the /blog/ location, but I guess I'm doing it wrong.

Thank you!

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