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Proxy redirect to another local IP

Posted by steprog 
Proxy redirect to another local IP
June 14, 2014 12:43PM
Dear all,
I'm new to the world of nginx and not skilled at all.
I managed to make it run on my server (.0.200) with the current configuration:

server {
listen *:9999;
location / { root /var/www/; } # simple index.html
location /headphones { proxy_pass; }
} # a proxy redirect of a service running my server and it is working

I've struggled to configure another proxy redirect without success.

1st: on the same network I have a phone (
I've tried with
location /phone/ { proxy_pass; }
but when I browse I'm redirected to while I would expect

Someone can suggest me how to proceed

thanks for your patience.
kind regards

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2014 12:52PM by steprog.
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