nginx goes down after creation of subdomains
June 14, 2014 10:47AM

I provide web hosting with cPanel + Linux CentOs + PHP + MySQL + nginx

But usually when one of the users wants to create a subdomain the nginx goes down taking down all the websites of the server.

If I login as root and do:

/etc/init.d/nginx start

Starting nginx daemon: nginx nginx: [emerg] no host in ":80" of the "listen" directive in /etc/nginx/vhosts/

I want to avoid all the websites down as result of one error in just one account.


Thank you
Re: nginx goes down after creation of subdomains
June 14, 2014 11:21AM
Yes, setup and use change management and stop allowing access to 'idiots'.

nginx for Windows
Re: nginx goes down after creation of subdomains
June 14, 2014 11:32AM
itpp2012 Wrote:
> Yes, setup and use change management and stop allowing access to
> 'idiots'.

I agree. We are going ahead with this right now.

But I need help during the transition to solve this in the meanwhile :)

Thanks !
Re: nginx goes down after creation of subdomains
June 14, 2014 01:07PM
Use email or some other media to handle change requests until you have something like SIT ( in place.

nginx for Windows
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