response and request times too slow
December 17, 2012 04:20PM
Hi everyone,

I have set up nginx as a reverse proxy for a web servers in our internal network. This backend server run niginx+php-fpm.
Things have been working fairly well until today.
All of a sudden I started to notice huge delays when the home page is requested,
Upon close examination of the access log, it turns out that it takes up to 15 secs for the proxy server to get a response from the backend.

[17/Dec/2012:20:16:41 +0000] - - - to: HEAD / HTTP/1.1 upstream_response_time 14.527 msec 1355775401.203 request_time 14.527

All other pages still load within acceptable times, albeit much slower than usual.
The backend server has micro-caching enabled and primed.

Although we use Cloudfare to basically CDN static assets and add other optimisation features, I doubt it influences the behaviour I am reporting.

Any inisght on this matter is greatly appreciated.


To make things more interesting, if one double clicks the Home link, hence cancelling the first request, the page loads immediately.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2012 04:24PM by nzimas.
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