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Using nginx in front of tomcat

Posted by Belenor 
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Using nginx in front of tomcat
October 16, 2012 05:16AM
Hello everyone,

I'd like to set up nginx as reverse proxy and software loadbalancer in front of several tomcat servers.
The applications running on the tomcats is written using the GRAILS framework and just doing well, while using Apache as frontendwebserver.

When I use nginx, there are always two JSESSION-ids added to the URL. They are equal, but the first one is url-encoded. Also I get the same sessionid a third time as a cookie.

Could anyone give me a hint where the error in my configuration could be?
My config is attached.

Have a nice day.
open | download - nginxConfig.txt (4.3 KB)
Re: Using nginx in front of tomcat
October 17, 2012 07:07AM

I found one error after all.

Changing the Line set $co "jsessionid=$1"; in mysite.conf to set $co "JSESSIONID=$1"; was obviously a good idea.

As long as cookies are accepted by the browser, the config is working. Turning off cookies in the browser results in doubled sessionids in the URL like described before.
Could anyone give me a hint?

Have a nice day

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