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how to exclude a location

Posted by neridaj 
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how to exclude a location
October 23, 2009 06:27PM

I wanted to find out if there is a way to exclude a certain location in order to do a rewrite i.e., location !~ /blah/ or something similar?
Re: how to exclude a location
October 28, 2009 06:43PM
Hello there,

Ok so if I understand you correctly, you need to do a rewrite for all URIs except ones starting with /blah/ ?

You can do that with the following rewrite, using negative lookahead, the example worked fine on my server:

rewrite ^(?!(/blah/))(.*)$ /dir_one/$2 break;

This will rewrite any URI that is not in /blah/ to /dir_one/.

For example:
- file www.site.com/page.php will be rewritten to www.site.com/dir_one/page.php
- file www.site.com/dir_two/page.php will be rewritten to www.site.com/dir_one/dir_two/page.php
- file www.site.com/blah/page.php will remain unchanged

Hope this helped,

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