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resolver ipv6 only

Posted by alpha_one_x86 
resolver ipv6 only
October 05, 2016 10:27AM

I use actually ngnix as reverse pxy to access on my ipv6 only vps from ipv4.
nginx resolv the ipv6 hostname and if the ipv6 is into the vps ipv6 range it acces to it.
I have actually this code:
- resolver X.X.X.X ipv6=on;
I need:
- resolver X.X.X.X ipv6=ipv6only;
Mean use ipv4 o ipv6 udp packet but resolv only the AAAA address and do an host not found if only the A address is found.


Developer of Ultracopier/Supercopier and of the game CatchChallenger
Re: resolver ipv6 only
October 05, 2016 03:44PM
I do: http://catchchallenger.first-world.info/w/images/a/a9/Reverseproxy-ipv4toipv6.png
I whitelist the ipv6, and block the ipv4 via: iptable -P OUTPUT REJECT
But: it's not clean, and REJECT is not allowed by all firewall.

Developer of Ultracopier/Supercopier and of the game CatchChallenger
Re: resolver ipv6 only
April 19, 2018 07:02AM
+1 to this: makes a lot of sense to have.
Re: resolver ipv6 only
April 19, 2018 07:21AM
To add to the above, nginx seems to have issues with proxy_bind and mixing IPv4 and IPv6, e.g. if the resolver gives an IPv4 address, but we're listening on IPv6.
In other words, if we bind on an IPv6 address, but the resolver decides to return an IPv4, the proxy will fail.
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