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ntlm auth reverse

Posted by dsittao 
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ntlm auth reverse
October 23, 2014 07:54AM
Hi Everyone,

In my company we using nginx as a reverse proxy for our web applications. But for now we are starting some applications which only support ntlm auth (like MSlync).

It would be perfect if nginx can support ntlm auth. I know that apache can do it, why not nginx ? Maybe developpers already work on it. If so can we have a deadline for this to work in nginx ?

Thx for your answers.
Re: ntlm auth reverse
October 23, 2014 09:28AM
ntlm requires a permanent connection and association with a client, this is not something supported by nginx, you can try my version which has ldap support or use the Lua geoip example in ngxLuaDB to authenticate to a database.

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
Re: ntlm auth reverse
October 24, 2014 04:28AM

Thx I will try this. But It should be very helpfull if nginx support ntlm natively !!!

(Forgot to said : sry for my english I'm french :) )

I will give a feedback next week after testing your solution.

Thx again
Re: ntlm auth reverse
October 24, 2014 04:29AM
P.S. : I'm using nginx on linux ...

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