Plans for new load balancing mechanisms into the main stream?
January 04, 2012 07:00AM

We've been using the Nginx for years and the Round-Robin LB has been doing the job fine for us...

However, the round-robin no longer suffice... we need to have other ways (fair?) of load balancing and defending the back-end servers.
We cannot afford the luxury of having custom code patches (modules) compiled with the main stream product (obsolete patches, no maintainers and so on) in production.

So, my question/suggestion is - are there plans for building other LB mechanisms into the mainstream product (similar to EY balancer?) - I checked the road-map but I wasn't able to find info about it...

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work ;)
Re: Plans for new load balancing mechanisms into the main stream?
August 22, 2012 09:16AM
Jfyi, least conn and weighted ip hash were recently added (check 1.3.1)
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