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Deleting or Editing Posts

Posted by Jim Ohlstein 
Deleting or Editing Posts
April 19, 2012 11:40AM
Please do not ask me to delete or edit your own posts. For the most part, such requests will be silently ignored. You are responsible for your own words. Do not let others use your account. Do not publish contact information if you do not wish for it to remain public. Consider using a temporary email address if you need to do so.

I get many requests for "posts" from the mailing list forums to be edited or deleted. Be aware that these posts are sent out to thousands of subscribers, and published more or less in full on several archiving sites (Gmane, MarkMail, nginx.org). Removing them from here would disrupt thread continuity in addition to being useless since the information is already "out there". We do not publish email addresses or other contact information unless they are contained in the body of a message or in its signature.

I am of course happy to remove *reported* spam.

Jim Ohlstein
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